A test site using theĀ Clean Next.js + Sanity template

Hello world!

I'm Minae, a software documentation specialist / tech writer...

I'm Minae, a software documentation specialist / tech writer on a journey to learn about every web-based software documentation publishing platform I can.

This page is built using Sanity.io, a headless CMS, along with the nextjs-sanity-clean starter template, which uses the Next.js web fra mework, along with Tailwind for a CSS framework. The template stores front-end code in GitHub and uses Vercel for deployment.

Along with a GitHub and Vercel account, you also need Node.js installed on your system so that you can run CLI commands such as npm and npx. If you haven't installed Node.js before, I recommend you use a Node version manager such as nvm (for macOS) and nvm-windows (for, you guessed it, Windows).